Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions together with the documents referred to in them tell you the basis on
which we will supply to you our goods (“Goods”) and services (“Services”). Please read these terms
carefully before ordering any Goods or Services from us. By ordering any of the Goods or Services,
you agree to be bound by these terms. You should retain a copy of these terms for future reference.
Firstly you must double check the part number listed is suitable for your vehicle, standard drive
shafts are not suitable for lowered vehicles, call our helpline for advice if you have lowered vehicle,
the mechanic or person(s) fitting must check against the part from the vehicle is exact match if
unsure can always contact us for advice vehicle manufactures often alter specification and parts
fitted throughout a production run or your vehicle may have been modified. So even if your vehicle
appears in this listing and the pdf link, there may still be an alternative part to what may be fitted to
your vehicle. If a part dont fit for any reason please contact us we may have the part you require. if in
doubt please contact our help line or email us we do not cover any labour costs.
1. The Goods and Services are provided by J&R Trading (UK) Limited ("we/us/our").
2. We are registered in England and Wales and have our registered office and main trading address at Unit 14, ElmdonTrading Estate, Birmingham, B37 7HE
3. Our company number is 5893139 and our VATregistration is 944 818002.
4. By placing an order with us, you warrant that: you are legally capable of entering into binding contracts;
5. you are a Consumer, you are at least 18 years old;
6. The information you provide to us during the process of placing an order for Goods and/or Services is accurate, complete
and not misleading.
7. These terms and conditions apply to all sales of Goods and/or Services provided by us to you.
8. If you are purchasing Goods and/or Services via our website, no contract for the supply of Goods and/or Services
(“Contract”) will come into existence until we dispatch the Goods, send you an email confirming that your Goods have
been dispatched or start performing the Services (whichever is the earlier).
9. If you purchase Goods and/or Services by any means other than via our website, the Contract will not come into
existence until either your order (however given) is accepted by the earliest of our written acknowledgement of order,
delivery of the Goods or performance of the Services.
10. Each order for Goods and/or Services by you to us will be deemed to be an offer by you to purchase Goods and/or
Services subject to these terms. Each order placed by you to us for Goods and/or Services and accepted by us will
constitute a separate contract.
11. You must ensure that the terms of your order and any applicable specification are complete and accurate.
12. These terms will be incorporated in the Contract to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions. They supersede all
prior dealings, negotiations, representations or agreements between us in respect of the subject-matter of the Contract
whether written or oral.
13. No variation or amendment of this Contract will be valid unless in writing and signed by you and our authorised
14. All brochures, specifications, drawings, catalogues, particulars, shapes, descriptions and illustrations, application
guides and information, price lists and other advertising matter are intended only to present a general idea of the Goods
and Services described in them.
15. We reserve the right to deliver Goods of a modified design provided that any difference does not make the Goods
unsuitable for any purpose you have made known to us.
16. The Goods will conform in all material respects to any sample provided to and accepted by us. The Goods and Services
will conform in all material respects with any specification provided to and accepted by us. We reserve the right to amend
any design or specification without prior notification provided that it does not adversely affect the performance of the
Goods and Services.
17. We retain all copyright and title to all documentation relating to Goods delivered to you by us. This documentation may
only be used for the purposes intended in the Contract and not for any other purpose without our permission. It must be
returned on demand.
18. Technical specifications are approximations unless specifically stated otherwise.
19. You will not remove, alter, deface, obfuscate or tamper with any of the trade marks, names or numbers affixed to or
marked on the Goods nor allow anyone else to do so.
20. If the Goods are manufactured in accordance with any design or specification provided or made by you, you will
compensate us in full on demand for all claims, expenses and liabilities of any nature in connection with them, including
any claim, whether actual or alleged, that the design or specification infringes the rights of any third party.
21. We prohibit the audio or video recording of on-site professional or technical Services, or training and consultancy without
the prior written consent.
22. To cancel a Contract, you must inform us in writing. You must also return the Goods to us immediately, in the same
condition in which you received them, and at your own cost and risk. You have a legal obligation to take reasonable care
of the Goods while they are in your possession. If you fail to comply with this obligation, we may have a right of action
against you for compensation.
23. You may cancel an order for Services by calling the telephone number of the supplying branch notified to you, within 14
days of the date of purchase, unless the Services begin sooner, in which case your right to terminate ends upon the date
when performance of the Services starts.
24. Nothing in this clause affects your statutory rights.
25. The prices of the Goods and Services will be as quoted in our marketing literature from time to time except in cases of
obvious error. The prices may be altered at any time without notification to take into account any increase in our costs
(including but not limited to the cost of materials, labour, transport or other overheads, any tax, duty or variation in
exchange rates).
26. The prices that you pay for the Goods and Services will be those ruling (in the case of Goods) at the date of dispatch of the
Goods or (in the case of Services) our confirmation of the start date of the Services. This clause will not apply to orders
placed by you which have been acknowledged in writing by us in which case the prices quoted on the acknowledgement
will apply.
27. We list prices as both inclusive and exclusive of VAT. All prices are exclusive of any other sales tax or duty that may be
applicable which will be payable in addition to the price unless otherwise stated.
28. Unless otherwise specified, if you are a Business Customer, prices quoted include delivery to destinations in the United
Kingdom and we will select the mode of transport. The entire cost of any other mode of transport which you may specify
will be borne by you, as will delivery to locations outside of the United Kingdom. If you are a Consumer, the delivery costs
will be quoted at the time you place your order for Goods.
29. In case of small orders we will be entitled to make a minimum order charge or to add a surcharge for delivery, details of
which will be provided to you at the time of order acknowledgement.
30. No allowance will be credited for Goods collected from our premises by you rather than delivered by us.
31. You acknowledge that we stock a large number of Goods and list a large number of Services. It is always possible that,
despite our best efforts, some prices may be incorrectly listed. We are under no obligation to provide Goods or Services
to you at an incorrect, lower price, even after we have acknowledged your order or dispatched the Goods or started
performance of the Services, if the pricing error is obvious and unmistakable and could have reasonably been
recognised by you as mis-pricing.
32. If you hold a credit account with us, payment of invoices will be made in full to us without deductions or set-off in
accordance with the payment terms notified by us to you. You guarantee your creditworthiness in placing an order. If after
confirmation of the order by us, doubts arise as to your creditworthiness, then all payments will become due immediately
unless adequate security can be offered by you.
33. Where you do not hold a credit account with us, payment of invoices will be made in full to us without deductions or set-off
in cash/guaranteed cheque/credit or debit card when order is placed or on delivery.
34. We reserve the right to charge a credit card surcharge if you elect to pay us by credit card.
35. Payments by credit or debit card will be accepted where the card holder is present in person at our premises or where the
card in question has been verified on our website or by telephone order.
36. Without prejudice to any other rights that we may have (including the right to suspend any further deliveries or
installation), if you fail to pay the invoice price by the due date we may charge you interest on any overdue amount from
the date of which payment was due to that on which it is made (whether before or after judgment) on a daily basis in
accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 and reimburse to us all costs and expenses
(including legal costs) incurred in the collection of any overdue amount.
37. In the event of a cheque not being cleared by our bank and being represented or returned to the drawer, we may charge a
fee of £25 for each cheque so returned to cover bank charges and administration costs.
38. The Goods are delivered to you when we make them available to you at a delivery point agreed by us.
39. Time of delivery will not be of the essence and any delivery date is an estimate only. We will use all reasonable endeavors
to avoid late deliveries. You will have the right to cancel any order without liability to us if delivery is more than 30 days
40. The quantity of any consignment of Goods as recorded by us upon dispatch from our place of business will be conclusive
evidence of the quantity received by you on delivery unless you can provide conclusive evidence proving the contrary.
41. We will not be liable for any non-delivery of Goods (even if caused by our negligence) unless written notice is given to us
within 10 days of the date when the Goods would in the ordinary course of events have been received.
42. Our liability for non-delivery of the Goods will be limited to, at our discretion, replacing the Goods within a reasonable
time, issuing a credit note at the pro rata Contract rate against any invoice raised for such Goods or a refund of the
purchase price paid.
43. Any claim that any Goods have been delivered damaged or do not materially comply with their description will be notified
by you to us and (where appropriate, to the carrier) within 7 days of their delivery.
44. If you fail to take delivery of the Goods or accept performance of the Services or any part thereof at the time agreed for
delivery then we will be entitled to cancel or suspend such delivery and all other outstanding deliveries and to charge you
for the loss suffered.
45. If you fail to take delivery of the Goods when they are ready for delivery we may, at our option, either store them ourselves
or have them stored by third parties on such terms as we may in our own discretion think fit. In any event the cost of
storage will be borne by you.
46. Risk in the Goods passes when they are delivered to you.
47. You will insure the Goods against theft or any damage howsoever caused until their price has been paid in full.
48. For the purpose of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 we will transfer only such title or rights in respect of the Goods as we have
and if the Goods are purchased from a third party will transfer only such title or rights as that party had and has transferred
to us.
49. Passing of title in the Goods will remain with us and will not pass to you until the amount due under the invoice for them or
any other outstanding invoice from us to you (including interest and costs) has been paid in full.
50. We may maintain an action for the price of any Goods notwithstanding that title in them has not passed to you.
51. Until ownership of the Goods has passed to you, you must:
52. hold the Goods on a fiduciary basis as our bailee;
53. store the Goods (at no cost to us) separately from all other products belonging to you or any third party in such a way that
they remain readily identifiable as our property;
54. not destroy, deface or obscure any identifying mark or packaging on or relating to the Goods;
55. maintain the Goods in satisfactory condition and keep them insured on our behalf for their full price against all risks to our
reasonable satisfaction. On request you will produce the policy of insurance to us; and
56. hold the proceeds of the insurance on trust for us and not mix them with any other money, nor pay the proceeds into an
overdrawn bank account.
57. You may resell the Goods before ownership has passed to you solely on the following basis:
58. any sale will be effected in the ordinary course of your business at full market value; and
59. any such sale will be a sale of our property on your own behalf and you will deal as principal when making such a sale.
60. Your right to possession of the Goods will terminate immediately if:
61. you (being an individual) have a bankruptcy order made against you or make an arrangement or composition with your
creditors, or otherwise take the benefit of any statutory provision for the time being in force for the relief of insolvent
debtors, or (being a body corporate) convene a meeting of creditors (whether formal or informal), or enter into liquidation
(whether voluntary or compulsory) except a solvent voluntary liquidation for the purpose only of reconstruction or
amalgamation, or have a receiver and/or manager, administrator or administrative receiver appointed of your
undertaking or any part thereof, or a resolution is passed or a petition presented to any court for your winding up or for the
granting of an administration order in respect of you, or any proceedings are commenced relating to your insolvency or
possible insolvency in any jurisdiction; or
62. you suffer or allow any execution, whether legal or equitable, to be levied on your property or obtained against you, or fail
to observe/perform any of your obligations under the Contract or any other contract between us and you, or are unable to
pay your debts within the meaning of section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986 or you cease to trade; or
63. You encumber or in any way charge any of the Goods; or anything analogous to the foregoing occurs in any other
64. If Goods become faulty during the period of the Warranty for reasons unconnected with your acts, omissions or misuse of
the Goods, you must return such Goods to us. We will repair (or at our option) replace such Goods with the same or
superior Goods, without charge. If Goods become faulty after expiry of the Warranty, and you request that we replace or
repair such Goods, then we shall charge our then standard list price for such repair or replacement.
65. Your sole remedy in respect of a failure of the Goods to comply with the Warranty is as set out in the Warranty Conditions.
66. We will be afforded reasonable opportunity and facilities to investigate any claims made under the Warranty and you will
if so requested in writing by us promptly return any Goods the subject of any claim and any packing materials securely
packed and carriage paid to us for examination.
67. We will have no liability with regard to any claim in respect of which you have not complied with the claims procedures in
the Warranty Conditions.
68. When you return Goods to us:
69. because you cancelled the Contract (22) (Consumer Rights), we will process the refund due to you as soon as possible
and, in any case, within 30 days of the day you have given notice of your cancellation. In this case we will refund the price
of the Goods to be returned in full, excluding the cost of sending the Goods to you. However, postage costs are non
refundable, so you will be responsible for the cost of returning the Goods to us;
70. For any other reason, we will examine the returned Goods and will notify you via e-mail within a reasonable time of any
refund to which you are entitled. We will usually process the refund due to you as soon as possible thereafter. Goods
returned to us because they fail to comply with the Warranty will be refunded in accordance with the provisions of the
Warranty Conditions.
71. We will normally refund any money received from you using the same method originally used by you to pay for your
72. Subject to the provisions of these terms, the following provisions set out the entire financial liability of us (including any
liability for the acts or omissions of our employees, agents and sub-contractors) to you in respect of:
73. Any breach of these terms; and
74. Any representation, statement or tortious act or omission including negligence arising under or in connection with the
75. All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law (save for the conditions implied by section 12
of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended)) are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the Contract.
76. Nothing in these terms excludes or limits our liability:
77. For death or personal injury caused by our negligence;
78. For fraud or for fraudulent misrepresentation; or
79. For any matter for which it would be illegal for us to exclude, or attempt to exclude, our liability.
80. We will not be liable to you for:
81. Any indirect or consequential, special or punitive loss, damage, costs or expenses;
82. loss of profit;
83. loss of business;
84. loss of income or revenue;
85. loss or corruption of or damage to data;
86. waste of management or office time; or
87. Depletion of goodwill.
88. our total liability to you under or connected with these terms will not exceed 125% (one hundred and twenty five per cent)
of the price payable for the Goods and/or Services for any one event or series of connected events.
89. We may at our discretion suspend or terminate the supply of any Goods or Services if you fail to make any payment when
and as due or otherwise defaults in any of your obligations under the Contract or any other agreement with us;
90. On the termination of the Contract for any reason:
91. we will not be obliged to supply any Goods and Services ordered by you unless already paid for; and
92. All payments payable to us under the Contract will become due immediately upon termination of this Contract despite
any other provision.
93. The termination of this Contract will not affect the respective rights and liabilities of each of the parties thereto which
accrued prior to such termination nor any provisions which either expressly or impliedly are to remain in operation after
94. Orders accepted by us are cancellable only at our discretion and we may charge for all work carried out or expenses
incurred in relation to the order before our acceptance of cancellation.
95. We will not be liable for any failure in the performance of any of our obligations under the Contract caused by factors
outside our control.
96. This Contract will be governed by English law and you consent to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in all
matters regarding it.
97. Any notice given under this Contract will be in writing and may be served personally, by registered or recorded delivery
mail, by facsimile transmission (the latter confirmed by post), or by any other means which any party specifies by notice
to the other.
98. Each party's address for the service of notice will be:
99. Us-the address specified or such other address and facsimile number as we specify by notice to you; and
100. You – the address and facsimile number given to us at the time an order is placed with us.
101. Anotice will be deemed to have been served: if it was served in person, at the time of service, if it was served by post, 48
hours after it was posted, and if it was served by facsimile transmission, at the time of transmission.
102. Each of our rights or remedies under the Contract is without prejudice to any other right or remedy that we may have
whether under the Contract or not.
103. If any provision of the Contract is found by any court, tribunal or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be wholly
or partly illegal, invalid, void, voidable, unenforceable or unreasonable it will to the extent of such illegality, invalidity,
voidness, voidability, unenforceability or unreasonableness be deemed severable and the remaining provisions of the
Contract and the remainder of such provision will continue in full force and effect.
104. Failure or delay by us in enforcing or partially enforcing any provision of the Contract will not be construed as a waiver of
any of our rights under the Contract.
105. Any waiver by us of any breach of, or any default under, any provision of the Contract by you will not be deemed a waiver
of any subsequent breach or default and will in no way affect the other terms of the Contract.
106. Neither of us intends that any term of this Contract will be enforceable by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)
Act 1999 by any person that is not a party to it.

Copyright © 2024 - J & R Trading (UK) Ltd